My, that was an unexpected absence! My tummy bug turned into the sort of fever-ridden, viral ass-kickin' I haven't had since I was a nipper. It was a thoroughly unpleasant experience, although on the bright side it gave me a chance to lay in bed, dingling a little silver bell to call my mother in with more soup. I haven't had a chance to do that since I learned how to hold a thermometer under my armpit to fake a temperature. Sigh, those were the days.
Being ill sucks, especially when it impacts on your holidays. I have just returned from a two week jaunt to Croatia, where I attended the Garden Festival ('attended' actually sounds a little formal, there wasn't a roll-call or anything). I hadn't really recovered by the time I left, which meant my packing was lacklustre and my organisation shabby. It also meant that my travelling companions had to put up with a nauseous, complaining misanthrope all the way there (actually a mild improvement, when I'm in good health I add 'obnoxious' to the list).
The unfortunate upshot of all this: no blog posts for absolutely ages. To counter this disgusting lapse I aim to lavish you wonderful people with posts in the weeks to come. This Friday I graduate; and in the weeks following I have no job, no exams, and nothing to get in the way of musings and minor witticisms. So let's get started.
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