Friday 22 January 2010

Stuff to read


Yup, another big break, another miserable fortnight without my humorous guidance and comment. But fear not, dear hearts, I have been busy in the interim. Firstly, there's an updated (and much changed) version of the Annulus story that I posted here ages ago. This one is a bit less sexy and quite a bit more... unpleasant. Secondly I have another short (2k ish) story, a sort of mythic conceptual... thingy. It's fluff, really, but you'll get through it in five minutes. It's called The Tale of Tan Lushan.

The real reason for my absence was an essay on surveillance as an ideological fantasy that took forever to write, but it's a pile of old wank and I certainly wont be boring you with that.

Normal service resumes as soon as the next personal disaster befalls me.

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