Sunday, 9 August 2009

I miss jungle fever

So I’m not well. I had been feeling pretty bummed out for a while, but had generally been attributing it to constantly going out and getting wrecked all the time, and was sure I would feel better if I cut myself a little slack. A few weeks and some swollen lymph nodes later I dragged myself to the doctor, who helped himself to some blood and told me I have infectious mononucleosis with a side order of acute tonsillitis. That was actually pretty reassuring because after Googling my symptoms I had convinced myself that I had HIV, so I’ll take glandular fever as a substitute.

The only reason I’m sharing this is to have a good moan about the nature of glandular fever. I’m tired all the time, but not exactly exhausted, although the doctor says no sport. I don’t feel nauseous and the fever seems to be going, but the doctor says no alcohol. And I’m not infectious, except through ‘intimate contact,’ so the doctor says no kissing. And this could go on for months if I don’t take care of myself.

So lets recap: no sport, no booze, no kissing, for at least a month.

Glandular fever is fucking rubbish.

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